Privacy Watchdog Ensures Indeed and Glassdoor Adhere to Digital Advertising Privacy Best Practices

McLean, VA – February 6, 2024 – BBB National Programs’ Digital Advertising Accountability Program (DAAP) has brought job search platform Indeed Inc. and employer-review platform Glassdoor LLC, which both operate under Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd., into compliance with the Digital Advertising Alliance’s (DAA) Self-Regulatory Principles for online interest-based advertising (IBA).DAAP’s investigation into Indeed’s website, which was the result of a consumer complaint, revealed noncompliance with the DAA Principles’ Transparency Principle for first-party publishers like Indeed and Glassdoor who allow third parties to collect user browsing behavior for IBA purposes. Though the consumer complaint was related to Indeed, given that Indeed shares infrastructure with Glassdoor, DAAP conducted its investigation on both platforms.

Identified issues included links in the footer related to privacy and user control of data not linking users directly to information relevant to the company’s DAA or IBA-related obligations, descriptions of third-party IBA practices scattered throughout the policies instead of one cohesive place, and no statement of adherence to the DAA Principles. In the company’s mobile apps, DAAP discovered that enhanced notice (that is, a direct link to a clear disclosure of IBA practices) was also not present in the times or places prescribed in the Transparency Principle.  

Inquiry Response

In response to DAAP’s inquiry, Indeed and Glassdoor conducted comprehensive reviews for compliance with the DAA Principles, identifying areas for strengthening.

The companies collaborated with DAAP on the following:

Enhanced Notice for Website Data Collection

  • Updated website footer links: Indeed’s “Privacy Center” now reads “Privacy Center and Ad Choices,” and Glassdoor’s “Privacy & Cookies” is now “Privacy & Ad Choices”
  • Added an “Ad Choices” tab to the HR Tech Privacy Center landing page, directing users to a consolidated IBA-specific disclosure


Cross-App Data Collection Compliance

  • Authorized third-party collection in their mobile apps
  • Added an “Ad Choices” website header tab on the HR Tech Privacy Center landing page to their privacy policies, ensuring easy access to the IBA disclosure from app store pages within two clicks
  • Enabled users to view the Ad Choices page within the application through privacy settings


In their respective statements, the companies provided:

  • Indeed: We are committed to the success of job seekers and employers and strive to be transparent about our privacy policies and practices. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in DAA’s Accountability Programs and their commitment in helping us comply with their Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising.
  • Glassdoor: Glassdoor is committed to the success of our users and strives to be transparent about our privacy practices with both job seekers and employers. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in DAA’s Accountability Programs and their commitment in helping us comply with their Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising.


All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of DAAP decisions, visit the DAAP Decisions and Guidance webpage.


About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit 
About the Digital Advertising Accountability Program: The Digital Advertising Accountability Program (DAAP), a division of BBB National Programs, was developed by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) to enforce industry self-regulation principles for data privacy in online and mobile advertising, holding companies accountable to the DAA’s Privacy Principles. DAAP provides guidance to companies looking to comply with industry principles and responds to complaints filed by consumers about online privacy. 

Jennie Rosenberg
Media Relations
BBB National Programs

National Advertising Division Recommends BA Sports Nutrition Discontinue Its “The Rehydration Champ is Here” Claim

New York, NY – February 1, 2024 – BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division recommended that BA Sports Nutrition, LLC (BA) discontinue the claim “The Rehydration Champ is Here” for its BodyArmor Flash I.V. Sports Drink.

The claim at issue, which appeared on the BodyArmor Flash I.V. Sports Drink webpage and in social media advertising, was challenged by competitor Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. (SVC). BA recently introduced its Flash I.V. Sports Drink to the marketplace in the “rapid rehydration” category.

At issue was whether BA’s “The Rehydration Champ is Here” claim conveys a comparative superiority message or is merely puffery. The National Advertising Division (NAD) concluded that one message reasonably conveyed is that Flash I.V. Sports Drink is the best on the market for rehydration, a claim that requires substantiation.

NAD noted that the quantity of electrolytes in a sports drink is not itself substantiation for a claim of superior rehydration. Although Flash I.V. has more electrolytes than Gatorlyte, in the absence of any comparative product or performance testing in the record on the rehydration benefit of Flash I.V. as compared to Gatorlyte or other competing sports drinks, NAD determined that BA’s “The Rehydration Champ is Here” claim was not supported.

Therefore, NAD recommended that BA discontinue its claim noting that nothing in its decision precludes BA from making properly supported ingredient claims for Flash I.V., or truthful and not misleading claims about the relative electrolyte content of its products and competing products.

In its advertiser statement, BA stated that it “disagrees with NAD’s conclusion but agrees to comply with the recommendation to stop using the ‘Rehydration Champ is Here’ claim, which was used specifically to advertise the launch of BODYARMOR Flash I.V. in 2023, and has already run its course.” 

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive. This press release shall not be used for advertising or promotional purposes.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. The National Advertising Division reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Jennie Rosenberg
Media Relations
BBB National Programs

New Survey Data from LexisNexis Points to Seismic Shifts in Law Firm Business Models and Corporate Legal Expectations Due to Generative AI

Nearly half of law firm leaders are exploring new lines of business or billable opportunities as a result of generative AI technology

NEW YORK, January 31, 2024LexisNexis® Legal & Professional, a leading global provider of information and analytics, today released results from a survey of senior leadership at top U.S. law firms and legal professionals at Fortune 1000 companies. The survey was conducted to better understand the business impact of generative AI technology on the legal industry and how it is redefining itself.

Rapid Uptake and Generative AI Investments

Nearly all the legal executives surveyed expect their investment in generative AI technologies to increase over the next five years (90%). The survey found that 53% of Am Law 200 firms have purchased generative AI tools and 45% are using them for legal work. 43% of Am Law 200 leaders indicated their firm has a dedicated budget to invest in the growth opportunities presented by generative AI in 2024.

Reshaping the Law Firm Business Model

Generative AI is presenting opportunities for law firms to create value for their corporate legal clients through new lines of business and strategic services. 70% believe these solutions will enable new value-added work product for clients, with about a third (30%) expecting these solutions to result in a direct impact on firm revenue. Nearly half of law firm leaders are currently exploring new lines of business or billable opportunities made possible by generative AI technologies (47%). Regarding the bottom line, nearly half (47%) expect to achieve a reduction in costs from the use of generative AI solutions.

More Fortune 1000 executives expect generative AI to produce value for their organizations, with three-quarters (76%) expecting cost savings for their legal departments and 72% expecting the technology to increase the ability to complete more work in-house.

“Generative AI has tremendous potential to transform law firms’ business models and create new forms of value for their clients,” said Sean Fitzpatrick, CEO of LexisNexis North America, UK, and Ireland. “We are working closely with customers to integrate our leading generative AI tools into their workflows to drive unprecedented efficiencies and quality for both law firms and corporate legal departments.”

Gap in AI Expectations

Fortune 1000 in-house counsel have higher expectations regarding the use of generative AI in law firms than Am Law executives.

The biggest gap exists around expectations for changes in billing. The majority of Fortune 1000 executives expect to see a reduction in billing from outside counsel due to efficiencies created by generative AI (80%). However, corporate clients have not communicated those reduced billing expectations to law firms. While 43% of law firms agreed with the statement that generative AI will reduce billable hours, only 9% of large law firm leaders indicated their corporate clients have told them they expect their firm bills to be reduced as a result of generative AI, and few firms (11%) are changing or planning to change their billing practices.

While two-thirds of in-house counsel approve of law firms using generative AI in legal matters, only a third of law firm leaders believe their corporate clients approve of this use.

The smallest gap in expectations is seen regarding the use of generative AI and other cutting-edge technology at law firms, as a majority of both groups believe corporate clients expect this from their outside counsel.

Hiring Trends

Both large law firm and corporate respondents believe generative AI technology will impact hiring, with 27% anticipating increased hiring of technologists in 2024, led by 38% of Am Law 200 leaders expecting to increase hiring of technologists, such as data scientists, to support generative AI initiatives at their firms this year. Significantly fewer respondents in non-Am Law firms with 50+ attorneys anticipate hiring additional technologists in 2024 (14%).

The survey reveals a clear divide between Am Law 200 and next tier law firms in their plans to hire more technologists to support generative AI initiatives. While nearly 40% of the largest firms (Am Law 200 leaders) expect to increase hiring in this area in 2024, only 14% of non-Am Law firms plan to do so. This suggests that the largest firms are more aggressively investing in generative AI technology and the talent needed to implement it effectively. The gap indicates that smaller firms may risk falling behind on generative AI adoption without a similar focus on hiring technical experts, even though all respondents agree this technology will have a positive impact overall.

While a majority of law firm respondents believe generative AI will impact the apprenticeship model of large law firms (58%), only a small number of legal leaders expect a reduction in legal roles over the next five years, although one in five Am Law 200 executives predict a reduction in the need for associates.

Legal Analytics and Generative AI

Lex Machina’s recently completed 2024 Legal Analytics Survey found similar results, where 68% of legal professionals using legal analytics in their practice expressed the most excitement and preparedness for generative AI. Twice as many legal analytics users were excited for generative AI compared to non-users (65% to 31%). Additionally, twice as many legal analytics users felt prepared for generative AI compared to non-users (57% to 24%). The survey results indicate that not only is generative AI at the forefront of the minds of the majority of legal analytics users, but also that there’s a positive correlation between the adoption of legal analytics and the readiness to incorporate generative AI in legal practice.


LexisNexis Legal & Professional conducted the survey across 266 managing partners and C-suite leaders at Am Law 500 firms, as well as legal professionals in Fortune 1000 companies between December 6, 2023 and January 9, 2024. Findings include responses from 114 executives across 68 Am Law 200 firms, 102 executives across 79 non-Am Law 200 firms with 50 or more attorneys, and 50 executives across 44 Fortune 1000 companies. Surveys were conducted in English via the Forsta survey platform.

For more information on leading legal AI tools from LexisNexis and to download a copy of the survey results, visit

About LexisNexis Legal & Professional
LexisNexis® Legal & Professional provides legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics that help customers increase their productivity, improve decision-making, achieve better outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the world. As a digital pioneer, the company was the first to bring legal and business information online with its Lexis® and Nexis® services. LexisNexis Legal & Professional, which serves customers in more than 150 countries with 11,300 employees worldwide, is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers.

Media Contact
Dana Greenstein
Director of Communications, North America & UK
LexisNexis Legal & Professional

National Advertising Review Board Recommends Comcast Discontinue Use of “10G” When Referring to the Name of its Network

New York, NY – January 31, 2024 – A panel of the National Advertising Review Board (NARB), the appellate advertising body of BBB National Programs, recommended that Comcast Cable Communications, LLC discontinue use of the term 10G in the product service name “Xfinity 10G Network” and when 10G is used descriptively to describe the Xfinity network.

The advertising at issue had been challenged by Verizon Communications Inc. Following the National Advertising Division’s (NAD) decision (Case No. 7213), Comcast appealed NAD’s finding that 10G as used by the advertiser communicates express messages that are unsubstantiated.

In agreement with NAD, the NARB panel determined that Comcast should discontinue use of the term 10G, both when used in the name of the service itself (“Xfinity 10G Network”) as well as when used to describe the Xfinity network. The use of 10G in a manner that is not false or misleading and is consistent with the panel decision is not precluded by the panel recommendations.

The NARB panel concluded that 10G expressly communicates at a minimum that users of the Xfinity network will experience significantly faster speeds than are available on 5G networks. This express claim is not supported because the record does not contain any data comparing speeds experienced by Xfinity network users with speeds experienced by subscribers to 5G networks.

Further, the NARB panel determined that, in the absence of actual Xfinity Gigabit Pro service tier market usage data showing consumer usage, the recent availability of 10G speeds through that service tier does not support the superior speed claim (or a 10Gbps claim) for the Xfinity network as a whole.

Initially, Comcast stated that it was unable to comply with NARB’s recommendations because the issues on appeal were the subject of a separate NARB appeal that was pending following NAD’s decision in a similar (but not identical) advertising challenge brought by T-Mobile US, Inc. (Case No. 7212). That appeal (NARB Panel 325) was subsequently decided.

Thereafter, Comcast stated that “although it strongly disagrees with NARB’s analysis and approach,” Comcast will modify its advertising to comply with the panel recommendations as set forth in the decision in Panel 325.

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Review Board (NARB): The National Advertising Review Board (NARB) is the appellate body for BBB National Programs’ advertising self-regulatory programs. NARB’s panel members include 85 distinguished volunteer professionals from the national advertising industry, agencies, and public members, such as academics and former members of the public sector. NARB serves as a layer of independent industry peer review that helps engender trust and compliance in NAD, CARU, and DSSRC matters.

Contact Information

Name: Jennie Rosenberg
Job Title: Media Relations

In National Advertising Division Fast-Track SWIFT Case, Verizon Voluntarily Discontinues Certain 5G Home Internet Service Claims

New York, NY – January 29, 2024 – BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division has closed a Fast-Track SWIFT challenge initiated by Charter Communications, Inc. regarding express and implied advertising claims for Verizon Communications Inc’s 5G Home Internet service.  

Fast-Track SWIFT is an expedited process designed for single-issue advertising cases brought to the National Advertising Division (NAD).

The challenged claims were featured in a holiday themed commercial. Charter argued that, in promoting its “5G Home Plus” plan with a “Whole Home Wi-Fi” feature, Verizon made unsupported disparaging claims about the Wi-Fi service provided by competitors, such as Charter.

Verizon informed NAD that it had permanently discontinued the challenged claims. Therefore, NAD did not review the claims on their merits and will treat the claims, for compliance purposes, as though NAD recommended they be discontinued.

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive. This press release shall not be used for advertising or promotional purposes.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. The National Advertising Division reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Name: Jennie Rosenberg
Job Title: Media Relations

Focus Consumer Healthcare Appeals National Advertising Division Recommendation to Discontinue Certain Pamprin Botanicals Claims

New York, NY – January 22, 2024 – In a challenge brought by Bayer Consumer Health, BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division recommended that Focus Consumer Healthcare discontinue certain claims for its Pamprin Botanicals dietary supplement for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptom relief, including:

  • All “clinically tested,” “scientifically tested,” “mood support,” “calm PMS symptoms,” “ease cramps, bloat and moodiness” and help consumers “experience a better period” claims; and
  • Express and implied ingredient claims for ashwagandha, magnesium, vitamin B6, turmeric, and chasteberry.


The National Advertising Division (NAD) also recommended that Focus modify several express and implied claims that Pamprin Botanicals is natural. Regarding the name Pamprin Botanicals as well as Pamprin Botanicals’ “tried and trusted” claim, NAD concluded that no modification was necessary.

“Clinically Tested” and Other Health-Related Claims

In support of its “clinically tested” and health-related product performance claims, the advertiser relied on results of a clinical study using Pamprin over the counter (OTC) products and Pamprin Botanicals to reduce the severity of common menstrual cycle symptoms.

The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined the study had several significant flaws, which rendered it insufficiently reliable to provide a reasonable basis for Pamprin Botanical’s establishment and health-related claims.

Therefore, NAD recommended that Focus discontinue all “clinically tested,” “scientifically tested,” “mood support,” “calm PMS symptoms,” “ease cramps, bloat, and moodiness,” and help consumers “experience a better period” claims.

Ingredient Claims

Bayer challenged five claims found on Pamprin Botanicals’ product packaging, website, and in Amazon tile advertising that call out specific ingredients and their consumer benefits.

The National Advertising Division (NAD) found the studies submitted by Focus in support of these claims was not a good fit. Therefore, NAD recommended that Focus discontinue:

  • “Ashwagandha – a calming influence” as well as the implied claim that the ashwagandha in Pamprin Botanicals reduces PMS-related mood swings.
  • “Magnesium – period pain, nope” and that Magnesium “works on period pain” as well as the implied claim that magnesium in Pamprin Botanicals reduces pain associated with PMS.
  • “Vitamin B6 – pms less, chill more” as well as the implied claim that the vitamin B6 in Pamprin Botanicals reduces all PMS symptoms, including mood swings.
  • “Turmeric – cramp pain & puff” and “helps cramps and puffiness” as well as the implied claim that the turmeric in Pamprin Botanicals reduces PMS-related pain and bloating.
  • “Chasteberry – for a better period” claims as well as the implied claim that the chasteberry in Pamprin Botanicals reduces PMS symptoms.


“Natural” and Related Claims

The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined one message reasonably conveyed by Focus’ “naturally good-for-you ingredients” claim is that the listed ingredients are natural. In the absence of evidence supporting this message, NAD recommended Focus modify its advertising to remove the claim and avoid conveying the message that Pamprin Botanicals’ active ingredients are all-natural.

NAD concluded that the name Pamprin Botanicals did not require modification given the lack of evidence of consumer confusion and NAD’s conclusion that “botanical” is not an expressly false claim.

NAD found that one message reasonably conveyed by an Amazon product tile stating “all the good stuff, none of the bad” and touting six attributes of Pamprin Botanicals (i.e. “gluten-free”) is that these attributes are the “good stuff” and any products that are not free of these attributes are “bad” or unhealthy. NAD recommended that Focus modify the claim to avoid conveying the message that competing products include ingredients that are unsafe or unhealthy.

“Tried and Trusted”

The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that, in context, the “tried and trusted” claim which appeared on the Amazon product tile refers to Pamprin’s history and that no modification was necessary.

Claims Pamprin’s Products Work Together

The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that the message reasonably conveyed by the Amazon product description and tiles is that Pamprin Botanicals and Pamprin OTC products work together to provide superior relief for PMS symptoms. Since NAD found that the study did not meet the standard for competent and reliable scientific evidence, it concluded that Focus did not provide reliable substantiation for this implied claim. Therefore, NAD recommended that Focus modify its advertising to avoid conveying such a message.

In its advertiser statement, Focus stated that it will appeal NAD’s decision because it believes that is “incorrectly based on a rigid substantiation standard applicable to prescription drugs . . . that is not and has never been the standard for dietary supplement claims.”  

Appeals of NAD decisions are made to the National Advertising Review Board (NARB), the appellate-level truth-in-advertising body of BBB National Programs.

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive. This press release shall not be used for advertising or promotional purposes.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. The National Advertising Division reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Name: Jennie Rosenberg
Job Title: Media Relations

Just Released: Enterval Analytics, LLC© Private Student Loan Report Highlights Stable Repayment Trends and Increased Originations

January 16, 2024 – Enterval Analytics, LLC, a leading student loan analytics company, has released the 21st edition of the semiannual Private Student Loan Report (“Report”). The latest edition provides key insights into the private student loan market and represents data contributed by fourteen private lenders, who collectively account for roughly 66% of outstanding private student loans in the United States.

Private student loan originations by Report contributors in academic year 2022-23 increased 6.70% YOY, to $10.03B. For the latest reported performance data, as of the third quarter of 2023, the annualized gross charge-off rate is 2.71% of loan in repayment and forbearance utilization remained low at 1.35%. Early-stage delinquencies, rose slightly to 3.21%, while late-stage delinquencies sit at 1.47%.

“The private student loan market continued to perform well as students and families prepared to resume their federal student loan payments in the fourth quarter,” said John Falb, CEO of Enterval Analytics. “The slight uptick in early-stage delinquencies was not unexpected given the broader macroeconomic environment. It is encouraging that those numbers remain low, charge offs are holding steady, and forbearance is being used judiciously.  As always, we will keep an eye on borrower performance.”

In addition to being fully underwritten to assess creditworthiness and ability to repay, private student loans made by Report contributors are also school-certified, and 93% of undergraduate loans are cosigned. The total outstanding balance for private student loans represented in the Report was $130.28 billion, with 74.32% of loans in repayment status as of Q3 2023. Based on the latest available federal student loan data, approximately 7.52% of total student loans outstanding as of Q3 2023 are private student loans. Undergraduate loans accounted for 89.12% and graduate loans 10.88% of the outstanding private student loan balances held by Report contributors.

The bi-annual Report includes continuous contributions from the five largest student loan lenders and holders: Citizens Bank, N.A., Discover Bank, Navient, PNC Bank, N.A., and Sallie Mae Bank. In addition, the report includes data from nine other student lender contributors. In total, these contributors represent the vast majority of in-school originations and a majority of the private student loans outstanding in the U.S.

The full Private Student Loan Report is available for download at

About Enterval Analytics, LLC.

Enterval Analytics was formed to provide industry leading research, tools, and insights for the private student loan market. Previously, the private student loan report was published by MeasureOne. In 2021, Enterval acquired certain reporting assets of MeasureOne and has assumed the lead in creating this report.

Enterval has a dedicated team of seasoned professionals, with specialized experience in data analysis, finance, student loan portfolio management, higher education policy, public and government relations—Enterval is uniquely positioned to deliver reporting and software tool solutions focused on the higher education space. For more information about Enterval, visit

Contact Information

Name: Elaine Rubin
Job Title: Director of Corporate Communications

National Advertising Division Recommends SharkNinja Discontinue or Modify Claim that Shark is “America’s #1 Floorcare Brand”

New York, NY – January 11, 2024 – In a Fast-Track SWIFT challenge brought by Bissell Homecare, Inc., BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division recommended that SharkNinja Operating LLC discontinue the claim that it is “America’s #1 Floorcare Brand” or modify the claim to state, as part of the main claim, that it is the #1 brand in dollar sales.

Fast-Track SWIFT is an expedited process designed for single-issue advertising cases brought to the National Advertising Division (NAD).

The challenged claim that Shark is “America’s #1 Floorcare Brand” appeared in an infomercial promoting the Shark CarpetXpert, an upright deep cleaner (UDC), and is accompanied by a disclosure reading “Source: The NPD Group/Retail Tracking Service, brand level U.S. dollar sales, 12 ME December 2022 (Floorcare is defined as Full Size Vacuums, Hand/Stick Vacuums, Specialty Cleaning, Non-Electric Carpet Sweepers).”

NAD considered whether Shark’s reliance on overall dollar sales versus overall unit sales was appropriate support for the challenged claim.

NAD noted the data shows that when consumers chose a floorcare product, more chose a Bissell over a Shark product (2022 year end) and Shark sold four million (or over 30%) fewer units than Bissell in the relevant category. NAD determined that in this context, with a wide disparity in unit sales in the floorcare category, consumers would reasonably expect that the “#1 brand” is the #1 brand in popularity even if there is another leader in dollar sales.

Therefore, NAD determined that the “America’s #1 Floorcare Brand” claim was not supported and recommended that it be discontinued or modified to state, as part of the main claim, that Shark is the #1 brand in dollar sales.

In its advertiser statement, Shark stated that it “will comply with NAD’s decision” although it “does not agree with NAD’s analysis and believes the existing, prominent disclosure language provides more than adequate explanation of Shark’s leading market share.”

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive. This press release shall not be used for advertising or promotional purposes.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. The National Advertising Division reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Name: Jennie Rosenberg
Job Title: Media Relations

LexisNexis Announces Launch of Lexis+ AI Commercial Preview in Canada and the UK, Most Comprehensive Global Legal Generative AI Solution

Lexis+ AI delivers secure generative AI tools that fuel efficiency, effectiveness, and reliable results for lawyers

Toronto, ON – January 11, 2024 LexisNexis® Legal & Professional, a leading global provider of information and analytics, today announced the launch of the Canadian and UK commercial preview of Lexis+ AI™, a generative AI solution designed to transform legal work. Grounded in our extensive repository of accurate and exclusive Canadian law content and use cases, Lexis+ AI combines the power of generative AI with proprietary LexisNexis search technology that seamlessly navigates both English and French legal content. Results are always backed by verifiable, citable authority. Lexis+ AI is now generally available in the U.S., following a successful commercial preview in 2023.

Lexis+ AI technology features conversational search, insightful summarization, intelligent legal drafting, and document upload capabilities, all supported by state-of-the-art encryption and privacy technology to keep sensitive data secure. Conversational search simplifies the complex and time-consuming legal research process, offering a user-friendly search experience for various legal inquiries complete with citations. This empowers lawyers to conduct research effectively and efficiently. Enhanced summarization provides a custom summary of legal documents, expediting and guiding insightful analysis. Generative document drafting guides customers throughout the legal drafting process, automatically generating an initial draft based on user prompts. This innovative feature allows users to easily modify the language and tone to suit their needs. Additionally, document upload capabilities allow for rapid analysis, summarization, and extraction of key insights from legal documents.

“We’re thrilled to bring this transformative technology to customers,” said Eric Wright, CEO of LexisNexis Legal & Professional Canada. “The Lexis+ AI solution provides first-of-its-kind tools for Canadian lawyers that take advantage of our extensive, high-quality content to dramatically improve the speed, quality, and effectiveness of their practice and business.”

Specifically tailored for Canadian legal professionals, the Lexis+ AI offering will support interactions in both English and French that will allow users across the country access to Halsbury’s® Laws of Canada, the only up-to-date national legal encyclopedia, Juris Classeur®, the only French civil law encyclopedia in Canada as well as unique and exclusive English and French commentary, Pleadings, Motions and Facta court documents and practical guidance.

“LexisNexis has extensive first-hand experience using artificial intelligence technology, including working directly with major LLM creators and trusted cloud providers to develop faster, more accurate, transparent, and secure generative AI solutions,” said Philippe Poignant, CTO LNNA, UK and CEMEA LexisNexis Legal & Professional. “As a leader in legal AI and analytics, we are best positioned to deliver these advanced technologies that will accelerate our customers’ success.”   

LexisNexis is responsibly developing legal AI solutions with human oversight. LexisNexis, part of RELX, follows the RELX Responsible AI Principles, considering the real-world impact of its solutions on people and taking action to prevent the creation or reinforcement of unfair bias. The company’s commitment to data security and privacy in the legal industry spans more than 50 years. LexisNexis employs over 2,000 technologists, data scientists, and subject matter experts to develop, test, and validate its solutions and deliver comprehensive, accurate information.

At the same time, LexisNexis Canada has announced its Lexis+ AI Insider program, which is open to legal professionals across the country. The program is designed to support the legal industry with generative AI education and LexisNexis Canada breaking news on the latest AI developments. Insiders can sign up to be among the first to experience Lexis+ AI. To sign up for the Lexis+® AI Insider program, visit

For more information on Lexis+ AI, visit

To download a copy of the LexisNexis Canada Generative AI & the Legal Profession report, visit

About LexisNexis Legal & Professional

LexisNexis® Legal & Professional provides legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics that help customers increase their productivity, improve decision-making, achieve better outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the world. As a digital pioneer, the company was the first to bring legal and business information online with its Lexis® and Nexis® services. LexisNexis Legal & Professional, which serves customers in more than 150 countries with 11,300 employees worldwide, is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers.

About RELX

RELX is a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. The Group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs more than 35,000 people over 40 percent of whom are in North America. The shares of RELX PLC, the parent company, are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX. The market capitalization is approximately £49.5bn, €56.3bn, $61.8bn.

Media Contact

Lori Harito, Publicist

LexisNexis Announces Launch of Lexis+ AI Commercial Preview in the UK and Canada, Most Comprehensive Global Legal Generative AI Solution

Lexis+ AI delivers secure generative AI tools grounded in LexisNexis’ unrivalled legal content to fuel efficiency, effectiveness, and reliable results for lawyers

London – 11th January, 2024 – LexisNexis® Legal & Professional, a leading global provider of legal information and analytics, today announced the launch of the UK and Canadian commercial preview of Lexis+® AI, a generative AI solution designed to transform legal work.  Grounded in the largest repository of accurate and exclusive legal content, Lexis+ AI combines the power of generative AI with proprietary LexisNexis search technology and authoritative content.  Results are always backed by verifiable, citable authority or source.  Lexis+ AI is now generally available in the USA, following a successful commercial preview in 2023.

Lexis+ AI technology features conversational search, insightful summarisation, intelligent legal drafting capabilities and document upload capabilities, all supported by state-of-the-art encryption and privacy technology to keep sensitive data secure.

Conversational search simplifies the complex and time-consuming legal research journey, providing a search experience for diverse legal questions with citations, facilitating lawyers’ ability to complete research effectively and efficiently.

Enhanced summarisation provides a custom summary of legal documents to speed up and guide insightful analysis.

Generative document drafting guides customers throughout the legal drafting process, generating a first draft of a legal document, and allowing users to change the language and tone from a simple prompt.

Document upload capabilities enable users to rapidly analyse, summarise, and extract key insights from legal documents.

“We’re thrilled to bring this transformative technology to our UK customers,” said Gerry Duffy, MD of LexisNexis UK. “The Lexis+ AI solution is a proven first-of-its-kind tool for lawyers and will dramatically improve the speed, quality, and effectiveness of their practice and business.  We have taken a customer-first approach to all our innovation, research and product development.”

LexisNexis is teaming up with leading law firms, such as Eversheds Sutherland (International), Macfarlanes, Pinsent Masons and CMS UK, as part of its commercial preview program to tap into their expertise for advice and feedback.

“We are supporting the research and development of generative AI across the industry,” said Rachel Broquard, Service Excellence Partner at Eversheds Sutherland (International). “LexisNexis is a key content provider, so its roadmap will be closely watched as many firms’ on-ramp to generative AI-based research.”

“LexisNexis has been leveraging artificial intelligence technology, including natural language processing and large language models, in our legal solutions for years, and we’ve been using generative AI in our research and development labs for more than two years,” said Jeff Reihl, Chief Technology Officer, LexisNexis Legal & Professional. “As a leader in legal AI and analytics, we are well positioned to serve as firms’ trusted partner in launching professional-grade, legal generative AI tools.”

LexisNexis is responsibly developing legal AI solutions with human oversight. LexisNexis, part of RELX, follows the RELX Responsible AI Principles, considering the real-world impact of its solutions on people and taking action to prevent the creation or reinforcement of unfair bias. The company’s commitment to data security and privacy in the legal industry spans more than 50 years. LexisNexis employs over 2,000 technologists, data scientists, and subject matter experts to develop, test, and validate its solutions and deliver comprehensive, accurate information.

To support lawyers in their understanding of AI and the opportunities it will present, the Lexis+ AI Insider program offers free and exclusive access to webinars, thought leadership, and breaking news on the latest AI technologies free and open to all legal professionals.  Insiders can sign up to be among the first to experience Lexis+ AI. To join the Lexis+ AI Insider program, visit

For more information on Lexis+ AI, visit

About LexisNexis Legal & Professional 
LexisNexis® Legal & Professional provides legal, regulatory, and business information and analytics that help customers increase their productivity, improve decision-making, achieve better outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the world. As a digital pioneer, the company was the first to bring legal and business information online with its Lexis® and Nexis® services. LexisNexis Legal & Professional, which serves customers in more than 150 countries with 11,300 employees worldwide, is part of RELX, a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers.

About RELX

RELX is a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional and business customers. The Group serves customers in more than 180 countries and has offices in about 40 countries. It employs more than 35,000 people over 40 percent of whom are in North America. The shares of RELX PLC, the parent company, are traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York Stock Exchanges using the following ticker symbols: London: REL; Amsterdam: REN; New York: RELX. The market capitalisation is approximately £58.9bn, €68.5bn, $74.9bn.
Media Contact
Matthew Leopold
Head of Communications