Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council Refers Perfectly Posh Earnings Claims to the FTC and Utah Attorney General for Possible Enforcement Action

McLean, VA – January 26, 2023The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (DSSRC) of BBB National Programs has referred direct selling company Perfectly Posh, LLC. to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Utah Attorney General for possible enforcement action. The referral comes after a lack of response from Perfectly Posh to a DSSRC inquiry into aggressive earnings claims made on social media by Perfectly Posh salesforce members.

DSSRC is an independent national advertising self-regulation program that monitors advertising and marketing claims in the direct selling industry. Perfectly Posh is a direct selling company that markets personal care and beauty products.

At issue are earnings claims indicating that Perfectly Posh salesforce members can replace their income by participating in the Perfectly Posh business opportunity. Claims included:

  • “Do it to replace income. Enjoy the freedom, fun, & flexibility. Run YOUR hobby or business like YOU want to.”
  • “Whether you are looking for a discount on great products for yourself and your friends and family, or a side gig to add some extra income, or to replace a full-time income.”
  • “That’s all it costs for a LIFETIME discount on Perfectly Posh products! Do it for yourself. Do it for some extra spending money. Do it to replace income.”
  • “Whether you just want extra money for vacations, or to pay down debt or to replace your full time income, I’m ready for you!”

After multiple attempts via mail and phone, Perfectly Posh has failed to respond to DSSRC’s inquiry and, pursuant to DSSRC Policies and Procedures, has now been referred to the FTC and the Utah Attorney General for possible enforcement action.

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of DSSRC decisions, visit the DSSRC Cases and Closures webpage.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council: The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (DSSRC), a division of BBB National Programs, provides independent, impartial monitoring, dispute resolution, and enforcement of false product claims and income representations made by direct selling companies and their salesforce members across digital platforms. The DSSRC seeks to establish high standards of integrity and business ethics for all direct selling companies in the marketplace.

Contact Information

Name: Abby Hills
Job Title: Director of Communications

National Advertising Division Finds Certain Claims for T-Mobile Home Internet Supported; T-Mobile Appeals Determination That Certain Claims Were Unsupported

New York, NY – January 23, 2023 – In a challenge brought by Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC, the National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs determined that T-Mobile USA, Inc.’s advertising for T-Mobile Home Internet (T-HINT) provided a reasonable basis for its price lock claim and concluded that other challenged claims did not convey false or misleading messages.

However, NAD recommended that T-Mobile:

  • Discontinue claims that T-HINT is “fast” or “high-speed” or modify its advertising to avoid conveying a message that T-HINT will be “fast” or “high-speed” for all T-HINT customers.
  • Discontinue claims that T-HINT is “reliable.”
  • Modify its advertising to avoid communicating several monadic and comparative implied claims with respect to T-HINT performance.


Price Claim

NAD determined that the main message conveyed by the claim that with T-HINT “your price is locked in” is that T-Mobile will not increase the monthly price charged to customers for T-HINT service. Because T-Mobile has not increased the monthly price charged to T-HINT subscribers since the introduction of the “your price is locked in” claim, NAD found this claim supported.


“Fast” and “High-Speed” Claims

T-HINT customers experience a range of speeds. NAD determined that T-Mobile did not provide sufficient evidence to conclude that all T-HINT customers receive speeds above the Federal Communication Commission’s standards for high-speed broadband internet and thus did not provide a reasonable basis of support for its “fast” or “high-speed” claims.


“Reliable” Claims

NAD found that, in context, T-Mobile’s claims that T-HINT is “reliable” may convey the messages that T-HINT customers will maintain a dependable internet connection and that T-HINT consistently delivers fast speeds and service without disruption. NAD determined that T-Mobile did not provide a reasonable basis to support these messages.


Implied Performance Claims

NAD found that unqualified claims that T-HINT is “fast,” “high-speed,” and “reliable,” convey a message that T-HINT customers will consistently receive fast speeds. To avoid conveying this message, NAD recommended that T-Mobile:

  • Modify its advertising to avoid implying that all T-Mobile customers receive consistently fast speeds; and
  • Modify its T-HINT speed range claims to include the percentiles of T-HINT customers to which any stated speed ranges apply or disclose that many T-HINT customers will experience slower speeds.

To distinguish T-HINT from wired internet service and avoid conveying a message that T-HINT is not subject to factors that cause internet performance variability on mobile wireless networks, NAD recommended that T-Mobile modify its T-HINT advertising to clearly and conspicuously disclose that:

  • T-HINT provides internet access through a mobile wireless network; and
  • T-HINT speeds vary due to factors affecting mobile wireless networks.

Further, to avoid conveying a message that T-HINT customers will receive the same or better speeds than T-Mobile wireless customers at all times, NAD recommended that when T-Mobile makes express or implied claims about T-HINT speeds, it clearly and conspicuously disclose that T-HINT subscribers may experience slower speeds than T-Mobile customers during times of network congestion.

NAD also found that the claim “Breaking up with your provider is easy” did not convey a false or misleading message that T-Mobile’s Home Internet subscribers will receive internet speeds and service comparable to competing home internet service providers.

During the proceeding, T-Mobile voluntarily permanently discontinued several challenged savings claims and a testimonial. Therefore, NAD did not review these claims on the merits.

In its advertiser statement, T-Mobile stated that it “will appeal parts of NAD’s decision,” based on its belief that NAD erred in its determination that the challenged “fast,” “high-speed,” and “reliable” monadic claims for T-HINT are not supported.

Appeals of NAD decisions are made to BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Review Board (NARB), the appellate-level truth-in-advertising body of BBB National Programs.

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive.

About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. NAD reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Contact: Abby Hills, Director of Communications, BBB National Programs
703.247.9330 /

National Advertising Division Recommends Cox Discontinue Implied Superior Reliability Claim for Cox Internet

National Advertising Division Recommends Cox Discontinue Implied Superior Reliability Claim for Cox Internet


New York, NY – January 19, 2023 Acting on a challenge by AT&T Services, Inc., the National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs recommended that Cox Communications, Inc. discontinue advertising that conveys the implied message that internet from competing services is glitchy and unreliable, but Cox Internet is not.

AT&T Services challenged claims made by Cox in a television commercial for its “Gigablast” internet service that provides download speeds of 1 Gbps and upload speeds of up to 35 Mbps.

At issue for NAD was whether the challenged commercial’s depiction of the failure of an unnamed, generic competing service to reliably stream a baseball broadcast reasonably conveys:

  • a broad implied message of superior reliability for Cox Internet over competing services; or
  • whether it communicates a limited message about Cox’s ability to provide 4K streaming.


Though an advertiser is free to highlight the actual differences between its product and competing products, claims that highlight the shortcomings of a competing product must be truthful, accurate, and narrowly drawn so as not to falsely disparage the competitor. When highlighting a problem of a competing product that the advertiser’s own product can resolve, the advertiser must ensure that the problem is clearly identified in the ad, the extent of the problem is not exaggerated, and the advertiser’s product solves the problem.

In this case, NAD found that:

  • The challenged commercial depicts a streaming failure but does not suggest a reason for the failure, other than “internet from the wrong provider.” Accordingly, consumers may reasonably conclude that the man’s experience is typical and that the “wrong” internet refers to any competing provider.
  • In the context of the commercial, which includes an express message about the high speeds offered by Cox Internet (“America’s Fastest Internet Download Speeds”) and an image of a television freezing images, one reasonable message conveyed is that Cox Internet can reliably stream live video when other providers cannot because they are glitchy and unreliable.


NAD concluded that Cox Internet did not provide evidence to support a broad message of comparative superiority over all other providers or any specific message that other internet providers are insufficient for the streaming activity depicted in the commercial. AT&T provided evidence that other providers, including AT&T, offer internet speeds sufficient for routine streaming, as well as speeds above that which is recommended for 4K content (50-100 Mbps and higher).

For these reasons, NAD recommended that Cox discontinue advertising that conveys the implied message that internet from competing services is glitchy and unreliable, but Cox Internet is not.

NAD noted that nothing in its decision precludes the advertiser from making narrower truthful and non-misleading claims about the speed and performance of its service and its ability to stream 4K video.

In its advertiser statement, Cox stated that although it “disagrees with NAD’s interpretation of the advertising at issue” it “will take NAD’s recommendations into consideration in its future advertising.”

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive.


About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit


About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. NAD reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Name: Abby Hills
Job Title: Director of Communications

National Advertising Division Finds Novartis Breast Cancer Drug Claim Supported in Physician-Directed Messaging, But Not in Ads to Consumers

New York, NY – January 19, 2023 The National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs determined that Novartis Pharmaceutical provided a reasonable basis for the claim that its Kisqali breast cancer treatment drug is “The only CDK4/6 inhibitor with statistically significant overall survival proven across 3 phase III trials” when directed to an audience of health care professionals (HCPs).

However, NAD recommended that a substantially similar claim in consumer-facing advertising, along with several implied comparative superiority claims, be discontinued.

Eli Lilly, manufacturer of the competing Verzenio drug to treat metastatic breast cancer, challenged survival benefit claims made in Novartis’ advertising campaign for Kisqali.

Metastatic breast cancer is presently incurable, however, current treatments can reduce the spread of cancer to other parts of the body, consequently extending time without disease progression (known as progression-free survival) and enabling patients to live longer—an outcome referred to as “overall survival.” Treatments include blocking the estrogen pathway (hormonal therapy), chemotherapy, and targeted treatments, including treatments that function as CDK4/6 inhibitors.

At issue before NAD was whether Novartis’ claims about Kisqali’s overall survival outcomes in clinical trials convey a message of superior survival benefits over other CDK4/6 inhibitors and imply that patients will live longer with Kisqali than when taking any other competitor’s drug in class.


HCP-Directed Advertising

NAD considered the claim that Kisqali is “The only CDK4/6 inhibitor with statistically significant overall survival proven across 3 phase III trials” that appears in HCP-directed advertising. NAD has long recognized that health care providers and specialists are a sophisticated audience and are better equipped to decipher the advertised results of clinical data than the general consumer, especially when provided with appropriate context and detail.

NAD concluded that clinical experience and the context provided in the advertiser’s HCP-directed brochures would both inform the physician’s takeaway of the claim and limit it to the recited facts, and that this audience would interpret the comparative claim here simply as reporting that Kisqali is unique in achieving a statistically significant overall survival benefit across Novartis’ three phase III clinical trials.

After assessing the results of the advertiser’s three clinical trials published in the New England Journal of Medicine, NAD determined that the advertiser had provided a reasonable basis for the HCP-directed claim.


Consumer-Directed Advertising

With respect to the consumer-directed claim, “Only drug in class with consistently proven survival benefit in HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer”* *“across three Phase III trials,” NAD determined that the claim was inherently comparative. NAD therefore concluded that one message reasonably conveyed to consumers, who NAD determined lack the medical knowledge or experience to understand nuances in clinical trial design or outcomes, is that Kisqali is more effective and provides superior survival benefits.

Further, NAD determined that due to the numerous variations in trial design and other key metrics across clinical trials, the studies submitted are not similar enough to compare the overall survival data or other results. NAD noted that where express or implied comparative performance claims are being made, head-to-head studies of the products at issue constitute the most reliable and persuasive substantiation.

NAD therefore recommended that in consumer-facing advertising, the advertiser discontinue the claim “Only drug in class with consistently proven survival benefit in HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer” * *“across three Phase III trials” as well as the implied claims that:

  • Kisqali provides superior survival benefits as compared to any other available treatment in the CDK4/6 inhibitor class generally and to Verzenio specifically.
  • Patients will live longer with Kisqali as compared to any other available treatment in the CDK4/6 inhibitor class generally and to Verzenio specifically.


During the proceeding, the advertiser permanently discontinued several challenged express and implied survival benefit claims. Therefore, NAD did not review these claims on the merits.

In its advertiser statement, Novartis stated that although it respectfully disagrees with NAD’s findings, pursuant to NAD’s recommendation, Novartis plans to discontinue the claim in consumer-facing advertising.

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive.


About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. NAD reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Name: Abby Hills
Job Title: Director of Communications

National Advertising Division Recommends RhinoSystems Discontinue Limited Claims that Nasal Irrigation Systems Can Help Prevent Viral Illnesses

New York, NY – January 12, 2023 – The National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs examined a number of challenged health-related claims by RhinoSystems, Inc. and found that the challenged packaging claims and many website claims did not convey virus prevention claims. However, NAD recommended that RhinoSystems discontinue certain other health-related claims that appeared in one television and two radio commercials or on the Naväge website, including:


  • The express virus prevention claim on the Naväge website “using products such as Naväge Nasal Care not only avoids steroids and pills, but helps to avoid allergies, post-nasal drip, and a cold or flu.”
  • Any implied virus prevention claims in its 2022 television commercial, the two challenged radio commercials and on Naväge’s website.
  • The claim on the Naväge website “doctors love nasal irrigation.”


The claims at issue were challenged by competitor NeilMed Pharmaceuticals, manufacturer and supplier of competing nasal irrigation systems.

The parties to the challenge did not dispute that saline nasal irrigation “flushes out” viruses or that it provides symptom relief and mitigation. At issue before NAD was whether the advertiser’s express and implied claims convey a message that the use of Naväge or nasal irrigation prevents or reduces the risk of contracting a cold, flu, or other virus and if so, whether those claims are supported.


Virus Prevention Claims

In reviewing the RhinoSystems claims for Naväge, NAD found that certain of the challenged website claims and all challenged packaging claims generally refer to flushing out germ and virus particles and do not rise to the level of virus prevention claims. For example, while some language goes so far as to say after flushing out the germs consumers will feel healthier, there is nothing indicating that use of the product will prevent contraction of the flu or other viral illness.

However, NAD determined that an implied virus prevention message is conveyed in Naväge’s 2022 television commercial, ­two challenged radio commercials, and by two claims on Naväge’s website which mention flushing out “infectious” germs and/or bacteria.

Cold and flu prevention claims are impactful to consumers and should be supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence that fits the claim. NAD reviewed the evidence provided by the advertiser for claims that the use of Naväge or nasal irrigation can help consumers avoid or prevent the contraction of infectious diseases like the cold and flu and found that the advertiser’s support for its claims included studies with methodological flaws with respect to the populations, controls, and different methods of delivery that were not a good fit for the broad prevention claims. Accordingly, NAD recommended that such claims be discontinued.


“Doctors Love Nasal Irrigation” Claim

NeilMed objected to claims on Naväge’s website that state, “Doctors Love Nasal Irrigation. Why? Because it’s clinically proven to relieve sinus congestion safely and effectively by flushing out allergens, mucus, and infectious airborne germs. And it does this completely naturally without drugs.”

While NAD did not agree with NeilMed that the “doctors love” claim indicates a doctor preference for Naväge specifically, NAD did conclude that it conveys the message that a significant number of doctors have come to a consensus; therefore, such a claim requires a well-conducted, random, and statistically significant survey of doctors as substantiation.

NAD determined that the evidence in the record regarding recommendations by medical associations and institutions of nasal irrigation is not a good fit to substantiate the more general claim at issue, and recommended that the claim be discontinued. NAD noted that nothing in its decision prevents the advertiser from making a more limited claim based on the specific recommendations of medical associations and institutions in the record.

During the proceeding, RhinoSystems voluntarily discontinued certain pandemic-related challenged claims, that appeared in a television commercial on the Naväge website therefore, NAD did not review these claims on the merits.

In its advertiser statement, RhinoSystems stated that it “will comply with NAD’s recommendations.” The advertiser further stated that while it respectfully disagrees with NAD’s conclusions regarding the lack of fit between its studies and the challenged claims and continues to believe that its claims are supported, “RhinoSystems is a supporter of the self-regulatory process and will take NAD’s recommendations into account in future advertising.”

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive.


About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit

About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. NAD reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Name: Abby Hills
Job Title: Director of Communications

ENTERVAL Analytics, LLC® Data Shows Overwhelming Majority of Private Student Loan Borrowers Back to Making Regular Payments

Private Student Loan Originations Rebounding, Use of Forbearance Decreases, and Default Rates are Normalizing to Pre-Pandemic Levels

January 11, 2023 Enterval Analytics, LLC., has released the 19th edition of the bi-annual Private Student Loan Report which confirms that the majority of private student loan borrowers are effectively managing their payments.

Private student loans are fully underwritten to assess creditworthiness, ability to repay, and are certified by the school with 90.78% of undergraduate loans cosigned. Approximately 7.22% of total student loans outstanding as of Q3 2022 are Private Student Loans. The remaining 92.78% of the $1.76 trillion in student loans are federal loans owned or guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Education. The Private Student Loan Report (“Report”) reflects data as of Q3 2022 for private student loans and does not include federal student loan data.

The latest Q3 2022 Private Student Loan Report highlights two additional quarters of generally strong private student loan repayment. Borrower forbearance utilization remains near record lows at 1.30% for Q3, down 82% from its peak of 7.04% when disaster relief programs were made available across the industry in response to the pandemic. As expected, early-stage delinquencies have been elevated and show signs of stabilizing over the last year in the historically normal range of 2.5% to 3.3%.

At the end of Q3 2022, late-stage delinquencies and gross charge-offs are at 1.58% and 2.86%, respectively. Late-stage delinquencies are in-line with pre-pandemic levels that hovered between 1.32% and 1.88% going back to 2017. Annualized gross charge-offs are about 80bps higher than average over the same pre-pandemic period. However, the average charge-off rate since the pandemic is 1.64%, well in-line with historical norms. We expect these repayment trends to continue to normalize.

“The pandemic disaster relief more than doubled the forbearance rates across the private student loan industry but most of the disaster relief programs have ended and forbearance has dropped to near historic lows. Current elevated late-stage delinquencies and charge-offs are in-line with historical norms especially when taken in the context of the significantly reduced charge-offs during the last 3 years,” said John Falb, CEO of Enterval Analytics. “While we are now starting to expect some consumer economic pressure on the horizon, the job market is healthy, and higher education is vital to the U.S. economy.”

The total outstanding balance for private student loans represented in the Report was $ 127.24 billion (including in-school loans but excluding consolidation, refinance and parent loans). Undergraduate loans accounted for 88.44% and graduate loans 11.56% of loans originated in AYTD 2021/22.

The bi-annual Report includes continuous contributions from the five largest student loan lenders and holders: Citizens Bank, N.A., Discover Bank, Navient, PNC Bank, N.A., and Sallie Mae Bank. In addition, the report includes data from seven other student lender contributors. In total, these contributors represent the vast majority of in-school originations and a majority of the private student loans outstanding in the U.S.

The full Private Student Loan Report is available for download at


About Enterval Analytics, LLC.

Enterval Analytics was formed to provide industry leading research, tools, and insights for the private student loan market. Previously, the private student loan report was published by MeasureOne. In 2021, Enterval acquired certain reporting assets of MeasureOne and has assumed the lead in creating this report.

Enterval has a dedicated team of seasoned professionals, with specialized experience in data analysis, finance, student loan portfolio management, higher education policy, public and government relations—Enterval is uniquely positioned to deliver reporting and software tool solutions focused on the higher education space. For more information about Enterval, visit


Media Contact:

John Falb
Enterval Analytics, LLC
(702) 777-8480

Contact Information

Name: Elaine Rubin
Job Title: Director of Corporate Communications

BBB National Programs Announces 91 Distinguished Panel Pool Members for 2023 National Advertising Review Board

McLean, VA – January 10, 2023 – BBB National Programs today announced the 91 panel pool members of the 2023 National Advertising Review Board, the appellate body for the U.S. advertising industry’s system of self-regulation.

The National Advertising Review Board panel pool members, selected for their stature and experience in their fields, provide independent peer review to ensure truthfulness and accuracy in national advertising and help promote voluntary compliance with self-regulatory decisions.

Founded in 1971, the National Advertising Review Board provides appellate review of BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division and Children’s Advertising Review Unit decisions. In more than 90% of case decisions, companies voluntarily comply with any advertising recommendations made. In situations where an advertiser fails to make good-faith efforts to modify or discontinue advertising as recommended, cases are referred to the appropriate regulatory agency. These advertising programs are three of more than a dozen self-regulatory, accountability, and dispute resolution programs of the independent non-profit organization, BBB National Programs.

For 2023, panel pool members include 91 distinguished leaders from three different categories:


  • National Advertisers
  • Advertising Agencies
  • Public Members (academics and other members of the public sector)


A National Advertising Review Board appellate panel generally consists of five members from the pool, with three national advertising representatives, one agency representative, and one public sector representative on each panel.

Nominations for National Advertising Review Board panel pool members are made by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s), American Advertising Federation (AAF), Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), and BBB National Programs. The initial term is two years, and each member is eligible to be re-appointed for two additional two-year terms. This year 22 new members join 69 individuals returning to their distinguished roles.

“I am thankful to our industry association partners, which this year also includes the Interactive Advertising Bureau, for nominating our diverse and highly talented 2023 National Advertising Review Board panel pool members,” said Eric D. Reicin, President and CEO, BBB National Programs. “I am honored to welcome our new and returning distinguished panel pool members to their 2023 role of helping resolve truth-in-advertising disputes and enhance consumer trust.”

Following is the list of BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Review Board panel pool members for 2023.


New Panel Pool Members

New Public Members

  • Jeffrey J. Maciejewski, PhD, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Design and Journalism, Creighton University

New Agency Members

  • Celeste Castle, EVP, Head of Research and Measurement, Amplifi USA
  • David Lane, Co-Founder, LevLane
  • Peggy Nordeen, CEO, Starmark
  • Andy Pray, Founder & CEO, Praytell
  • Sharon Tallach Vogelpohl, President & Chief Executive Officer, MHP/Team SI

New Advertising Members

  • Lynne Bartron, Vice President, Global Consumer Marketing, Gen Digital Inc.
  • Laura Brewick, SVP, Marketing, Serta Simmons Bedding
  • Stephen Cassell, Chief Marketing & Brand Officer, Point32Health
  • Matt Casselton, VP, Marketing and Consumer Engagement, Trinity Health
  • Jill Cress, Chief Marketing and Experience Officer, H&R Block
  • Nicolle DuBose, Vice President and Head of Marketing for Schlotzsky’s, Focus Brands
  • Rebecca Duke, Head of Portfolio Marketing, Platforms and Partnerships, Mondelez International
  • Fernando Herrera, Vice President of Imaginarium & Marketing, Sun-Maid Growers of California
  • Ivonne Kinser, Vice President of Marketing and Innovation, Avocados from Mexico
  • David Lee, Global Senior Director of Licensing and Cultural Marketing, Kellogg
  • Linda Lee, Chief Marketing Officer, Meals & Beverages, Campbell Soup Company
  • Phil McWaters, Senior Vice President, Global Personal Health Care, Procter & Gamble
  • Kevin L. Miller, Chief Marketing Officer, The Fresh Market
  • Brad Moranchek, Head of Global Integrated Media, Kimberly-Clark Corp.
  • Dana Paris, Chief Marketing Officer, Canidae Pet Food
  • Chris Phillips, VP, Branded Content Sales & Strategy,


Returning Public Members

  • Jenny Buschhorn, Assistant Professor of Practice, Advertising Program Head, Texas State University
  • Margaret (Meg) C. Campbell, Professor of Marketing, Anderson Presidential Chair in Business Administration, School of Business, University of California, Riverside
  • Debra (Debbie) M. Desrochers, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Management, Director of Studies MRes in Management, Marketing, Business & Society, Centre for Business, Organisations and Society (CBOS), University of Bath
  • Allen Garcie, Associate Professor of Digital Arts, Sybil T. & J. Frederick Patten Endowed Professor, Director, LaPIXEL Digital Arts & Media Academy, Designer/Facilitator, IdeaSpace, Department of Arts and Media – Digital Arts Program, Louisiana State University Shreveport
  • Nancy J. Gray, Clinical Assistant Professor, P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
  • Timothy Hendrick, Associate Professor, Advertising, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, San Jose State University
  • Glynnis M. Johnson, Assistant Professor-Marketing, Morehouse College
  • Alice Kendrick, Professor of Advertising, Southern Methodist University
  • Peg Murphy, Associate Professor, Communication Dept., AAF AdClub Advisor, Columbia College Chicago
  • Joel M. Nichols, M.B.A., Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Strategic Media, The University of Memphis
  • Daniel John Petek, Education Board of Directors, AAF, Advertising Instructor, Washington State University
  • Larry Powell, Professor, Advisor for Lindsey + Asp, Advertising & Public Relations, Gaylord College, University of Oklahoma
  • Jan LeBlanc Wicks, Professor & Vice Chair, School of Journalism and Strategic Media, University of Arkansas


Returning Agency Members

  • Wendy Aldrich, EVP, Managing Partner, Universal McCann
  • Michael Bassik, Founder & CEO, Axel Solutions, LLC
  • Brad Bennett, Chief Firestarter, Wildfire
  • Scott Bishoff, SVP Client Director, Canvas World Wide
  • Allen Bosworth, President, EP+Co
  • Laura Jean Bracken, President/COO, Palisades
  • Dean Broadhead, CEO, broadhead.
  • Jeffrey Buntin, Jr., President & CEO, The Buntin Group
  • Brad Casper, Chief Executive Officer, Heart and Soul Marketing
  • Jason Chebib, GM, The Americas, System1
  • Brandon Cooke, Global Partner, Global Chief Marketing & Reputation Officer, FCB
  • Stephanie Crockett, President & COO, Mower
  • Steve Erich, Founder & President, Erich & Kallman
  • Fay Ferguson, Co-Owner & Co-CEO, Burrell Communications
  • Marina Filippelli, CEO, Orci
  • Cary Hatch, Managing Director, Hart MDB+
  • Patrick Kiss, President, BSSP
  • Jeff Larson, President/COO, Mediassociates
  • Victor Lee, President, Advantage Unified Commerce, Advantage Solutions
  • LuisMiguel Messianu, Founder, Creative Chairman & CEO, Alma
  • Bob Morrison, CEO, Morrison Agency
  • Krista Nicholson, President, Motive
  • Ingrid Otero-Smart, President/CEO, Casanova//McCann
  • Dave Ronk, Marketing Engineer, The Shipyard
  • Tom Stein, Chairman and Chief Client Officer, Stein IAS
  • Duff Stewart, CEO, GSD&M
  • Meredith Vaughan, CEO, Vladimir Jones
  • Aaron Walton, CEO, Walton Isaacson


Returning Advertising Members

  • Nicole Apple, ANA Agency Relations Committee Co-Chair, Former Head of Global Strategic Agency Management, Kimberly-Clark Corporation
  • Homi Battiwalla, Senior Marketing Director – Global Marketing Excellence, PepsiCo Global
  • Maya Battle, Director, Marketing Intelligence, Macmillan Publishers
  • Adam Benaroya, Director, Global Media Capabilities & Operations, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health
  • Katrina Bott, Senior Director, Global Strategic Sourcing, Capri Holdings Limited
  • Denis Budniewski, Director, Marketing, Agency Strategy and Production Transformation, Verizon
  • Amy Bytell, Senior Marketing Manager, Performance Media, Cox Automotive
  • Charles Chappell, Vice President, Innovation and R&D, The Hershey Company
  • Michael Cruz, VP of Marketing, National Cycling League
  • Olivier Fleurot, Ph.D., Global Vice-President, Research, Development & Innovation, S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
  • John Fredette, Head of Brand and Marketing, Corporate Affairs, Con Edison
  • Katherine Freeley, Global Head of Media & Digital, Procurement, Novartis
  • Linda Gharib, Director, Brand and Corporate Communications, Wolters Kluwer
  • Daniel Glantz, Former Global Head of Sponsorship and Strategic Partnerships, AIG
  • Lee Hsieh, Global CRM & Digital Experience Acceleration Lead, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health
  • Alia Kemet, Senior Vice President, Global Creative & Digital Transformation, McCormick & Company, Inc.
  • Valerie Light, Former Manager, Broadcast Production, Verizon Communications
  • Jim Low, President, Rip Van
  • Ian McDonald, Global Category Manager, Marketing Procurement, Edgewell Personal Care Brands
  • Renee Milliaressis, Chief Media Officer, Colgate-Palmolive
  • Jason Morros, Vice President, Head of Integrated Marketing, Edison Properties
  • Gary P. Osifchin, CMO and GM, U.S. Hygiene, Reckitt Benckiser
  • Justin Parnell, Vice President, Marketing, Strategy & ESG, Mondelez International, Inc.
  • Simona Rabsatt Butler, Director, Global Sourcing – Media, Visa
  • Erin Silver, Director, Social Media and Growth Marketing, Exclusive Resorts
  • Amy Spiridakis, Vice President, Marketing, Target Corporation
  • Kwan Yim, Director, Head of Global Agency Management, Citi
  • Doug Zarkin, Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, Pearle Vision


Learn more about the National Advertising Review Board here.


About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs is where businesses turn to enhance consumer trust and consumers are heard. The non-profit organization creates a fairer playing field for businesses and a better experience for consumers through the development and delivery of effective third-party accountability and dispute resolution programs. BBB National Programs oversees more than a dozen leading national industry self-regulation programs and continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-directed marketing, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, privacy, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit



Abby Hills, Director of Communications
BBB National Programs
703.247.9330 /

Make 2023 your year with MyClass

  • A new flexible adult English course for English learners now launching in the Gulf – Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar
  • Now you can control your English learning progress with flexible selection of class schedule and topic
  • Each lesson is designed to help you master a real-life situation in English, so you can face the future with confidence


You might have come across these situations: – you were unable to attend a lesson from a short course or development programme due to an unexpected incident. Worse still, the class could not be rescheduled, you had no alternative but to skip it; even if the class schedule fits you, the fixed course contents / topics may not arouse your learning interest.

If you want to improve your English skills yet stay in control of your learning progress, why not register now for our new adult English course “MyClass” recently launched by the British Council in the Gulf? Classes starting in January 2023, registration is open now.

Justin Spence, Regional Adult Product and Services Lead in MENA explains “Students can select the date and time of each lesson according to their preference and schedule, without worrying about missing a lesson due to an unexpected event. There are multiple themes in the course, which focus on authentic everyday English with real life topics like travelling, shopping, and meeting etc. This allows students to choose the lessons that best suit their interests and improve their speaking and listening skills through practical language tasks and online language exercises.”

“I am a journalist and I need be present wherever I am required to be, so I used to miss lot of lessons before. But now, with the new course MyClass I can choose a date and time that are convenient to me. I really feel comfortable and not subject to any restrictions and above that I am improving my knowledge whenever I want. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made” says Natia Tavdgiridze, a Myclass student from Georgia.

What I like about Myclass is that I can choose when and what I can study, Since I joined, I have made a great progress, The diversity of MyClass topics and making friends with classmates have certainly broadened my knowledge and social circle. . Now I was successfully accepted in a prestigious UKI feel good and ready to study and live in the UK. Learning English is a good way to equip yourself for the future world. “ says Ilias El Ouazzani, a Myclass student from France.

The selection of class date, time and topic a can be made online and can be changed up to 24 hours before the lesson begins. This highly flexible and convenient way of study caters to the English learning needs of busy urbanites. What’s more, there is a range of course packages for students to choose from according to their budget and language needs. The more lessons they buy, the less average cost per lesson they pay!

MyClass lessons are delivered 100% face-to-face by the British Council’s experienced and professional teachers. They all have native speaker proficiency, a university degree, an internationally recognised qualification in teaching English and extensive teaching experience all around the world.

Through face-to-face teaching, teachers can monitor the student’s learning progress regularly and give him/her one-to-one feedback and learning advice. Upon every set of lessons ( 10, 30 and 50 lessons ), students can arrange one-to-one counselling with the teacher to further understand his/her strengths and develop a personalised study plan to improve their English.


For more details visit our websites:






About the British Council

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We build connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language. In 2019-2020 we reached over 75 million people directly and 758 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications. Founded in 1934 we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. We receive a 14.5 per cent core funding grant from the UK government.

Contact Information

Name: Lamia El Idrissi
Job Title: Senior Communications Manager, MENA

iCrowdNewswire introduces display, search, in-feed, native, and contextual press release targeting leveraging Taboola and Yahoo! partnership (Test Post on Live Nexis Newsroom)

Miami, December 6th, 2022 – iCrowdNewswire – expands resources and teams to launch add product targeting issuers using wires that do not offer ad technologies

iCrowdNewswire adds to its Google advertising press release distribution technology by leveraging the recently announced partnership between Taboola and Yahoo! to reach nearly 900 Million monthly active users. In the joint announcement, Yahoo and Taboola expected that this open web partnership will generate up to $1 billion in annual revenues. (Read the release here…).

For the past 2 years, through the power of Google, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, iCrowdNewswire has been offering 3 different types of ad campaigns which are “display”, “in-feed”, and “search” ads to its customers. But now, by integrating Taboola into the offering, iCrowdNewswire will also offer “contextual” and “native” ads. By doing so, iCrowdNewswire will become the only service provider that can effectively offer and deliver all 5 types of ad campaigns to boost distribution and provide unmatched targeting and reporting.

Competitors have already realized the “targeted ads” value proposition, through tools like Nativo, they have moved towards offering native ads in their most basic and primitive form that does not allow press release issuers to select the sites of their choosing, defining the geographic, and the sociodemographic for a much stronger and focused impact.

iCrowdNewswire has refined all these items and has created an easy-to-use interface that will allow customers to select native and contextual ones while having the unique ability to select sites and define the geographic and demographics. This is why it is the market leader as it has years of experience and the software, processes, and experienced teams needed to scale these options.

With the power of Taboola, iCrowdNewswire will push to the front of the line and will showcase its ability to deliver a complete yet simple solution that can boost the visibility of press releases and also deliver enhanced analytics around the views and traffic for press releases issuers through the Master Distribution Reports. The newest iCrowdNewswire product is a “boost” only package designed for press release issuers using wires that cannot deliver these options.

With this joint venture, the stage is set for the re-invention of traditional press release distribution moving much more toward marketing, advertising, and measurable distribution than elementary media outreach. “It seems the newswire industry has failed to recognize the transformation of media and the need to reach targeted audiences directly” commented Hector Botero, President of iCrowdNewswire. Botero went on to say “Solely relying on media pick-up in an age of media disruption is a huge mistake, our industry needs to make a major move and adopt powerful technologies that deliver audiences directly”.

“The premium price press release segment will never be the same,” said Sonia LaFountain, COO of iCrowdNewswire. LaFountain. “Press release issuers will come to demand what Google, Yahoo! and Taboola can deliver”.

About iCrowdNewswire

The most innovative press release newswire in the industry, since its inception in 2015 iCrowdNewswire has introduced more innovations than the entire industry combined, commencing with the Google-designed advertising targeting distribution which offers issuers unparalleled website guaranteed distribution with millions of sites worldwide. Following the deployment of the AdSense-driven distribution, iCrowdNewswire went further not only offering websites but offering special sections within websites, and all of this is measured with Google analytics. With the Yahoo! and Taboola deployment iCrowdNewswire will now focus on its “add on” product targeting issuers that distribute releases on newswires that do not offer any of the 5 different ad technologies (display, in-feed, search, contextual and native) to its customers.


Continuously upgrading press release distribution processes through the implementation of the latest digital technologies while taking customers’ return on investments to new heights.




Contact Information

Name: Omer Farooq
Job Title: SQA-Analyst

Charter Voluntarily Discontinues Certain Spectrum Mobile Comparative Claims Following AT&T’s National Advertising Division Challenge

New York, NY – December 22, 2022 In a BBB National Programs National Advertising Division (NAD) challenge brought by competitor AT&T Services, Inc., Charter Communications, Inc., d/b/a Spectrum, voluntarily discontinued certain comparative speed and reliability claims for its Spectrum Mobile services vs. AT&T Wireless.

AT&T Services challenged claims made in three television commercials that:

  • Spectrum Mobile is the “most reliable” mobile service.
  • Spectrum Mobile is more reliable than AT&T Wireless.
  • Spectrum Mobile has faster mobile data speeds than AT&T Wireless.
  • Unlike Spectrum Mobile, AT&T Wireless lacks the “speed you need to stream and connect in more places.”
  • Spectrum Mobile is America’s “leading” mobile service provider.


In response to the challenge, Charter informed NAD that it had permanently discontinued the express “leading mobile service provider” claim and “most reliable mobile service” claim for independent business reasons. Charter also informed NAD that it would permanently discontinue the remaining comparative speed and reliability claims in the way they were alleged to be conveyed. Therefore, NAD did not review the claims on their merits.

In its advertiser statement, Charter stated that “Spectrum is proud of the unique combination of performance and value that it offers wireless customers throughout the nation and thanks NAD for its attention to this matter.”

All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive.


About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs is where businesses turn to enhance consumer trust and consumers are heard. The non-profit organization creates a fairer playing field for businesses and a better experience for consumers through the development and delivery of effective third-party accountability and dispute resolution programs. Embracing its role as an independent organization since the restructuring of the Council of Better Business Bureaus in June 2019, BBB National Programs today oversees more than a dozen leading national industry self-regulation programs, and continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-directed marketing, and privacy. To learn more, visit


About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division (NAD) of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. NAD reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.

Contact Information

Name: Abby Hills
Job Title: Director of Communications